Dennis Union Church is an Open and Affirming Congregation — All are welcome!  

Board of Deacons

Board of Deacons

The Board of Deacons is responsible for attending to the spiritual needs of the Church and coordinating all activities that occur in the sanctuary. Deacons prepare elements for and assist the Pastor in administering the sacraments at Communion. They care for the Communion service pieces as well as furnishings of the sanctuary (candles, the altar Bible, hymnals, etc.) and provide ushers for worship services. The Deacons also coordinate New Member classes periodically during the year and assist the Pastor in welcoming new members into the church. 

The Board of Deacons coordinates the Audio-Visual team that operates and supervises the microphones, speakers and recording equipment that allow services to be heard by all and broadcast online for viewing at home. Assistive hearing devices are available at all worship services. 

Altar flowers and decorative displays in the sanctuary are coordinated by the Flower Committee under the auspices of the Board of Deacons. Donations of flowers in memory of or to honor a loved one are welcomed — please contact the church office re: open dates and florist recommendations. 

The 2020 Deacons Manual documents all responsibilities and policies followed by Dennis Union Church.